"If your time to you is worth saving, then you better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone, for the times, they are a changin" Boby Dylan
Last Post from within the cycle that has been 2008 - 2024 (Pluto in Capricorn)

Sitting on the precipice of great change. Change can be abrupt or be a long process. Astrology says that we are going through the portal of change moving from Pluto in Capricorn since 2008 and moving into Pluto in Aquarius on January 20th where it will be for about 21 years. As above so below. 2008 when Pluto entered into Capricorn was just before my fire dancing career took off. I saw the peak of that career 2016 and have been watching the dissolution in the last 8 years. I was not as conscious then as I am now. I felt a calling and followed it though I didn't know what was coming. I fought it all along the way because I didn't know what was possible. This time around, I am aware. Pay attention to the cycles of your life and tune into the energy to be guided true.
There are three actions I suggest taking to create a bridge from where you are to where you are headed.
Consciously Connect
Take These Three Actions!
Part #1: What has the previous cycle been about?
Journey through time past and do not get hung up on time. Scan back to a point that seems potent to you. Zoom out and see the big picture rather than the specific details.
Were you entering school, a relationship, a career, what was going on in your life? You can use the time frame from 2008 to 2024 since that was a specific cycle. Rather than going to the astrology to see what it says about it (outside in perspective) look within to discover your lesson. Look for common threads and stay with it until you begin to have an idea of what that cycle was about.
Consolidate the message. What did you learn and what is the gift? Keep it simple. I realized the 16 year cycle was a huge growth cycle of self discovery along the path of self mastery.
Part #2: What do you need to complete to be ready to fully walk into the new?
Completion can't be forced however it can be supported.
There are projects, ideas, loose ends, physical items, beliefs, a whole collection of works that are tied to the past cycle. These are the projects to pull to the front of the list and work on completing. Throwing something away, or ignoring it does not complete it. It is important to give proper burial for the energy that was. If the project is not for you to do then ask yourself what will support the complete closure and release of the energy tied to it. If the project is for you to do, then begin to take the steps to bring it to completion. The time is now. There is no more procrastination.
In closing down the past, let go of perfection and just commit to get it done the best that you can. It's more about the completion of it than it is the perfection of it. Listen deep and follow the energy.
Stay with it until you come to a feeling of completion. This is a distinct feeling. It is a feeling of having emptied out. There may be more projects however you get a sense that they are distinctly connected to the new phase.
Tune in deeply to calibrate what is connected to the old cycle and needs to be completed and what is connected to the new cycle based on your answer in part one. For instance, the previous cycle was about learning and self discovery leading to self mastery, then any project that was tied to a learning experience would be ready for completion. Any project that would involve me sharing that experience as a teaching experience would be tied to the new.
Keep in mind that some of the projects you are completing may take some time to see through. That is ok. Organize the projects into a time frame that moves you through to completion. If this seems overwhelming, then schedule coaching with me as this is something coaching would be helpful for and I can support you through. Pluto in Aquarius is about partnerships, communities, and groups. Just because you are closing down the old, you do NOT have to do it alone. It is more enjoyable to have support.
There is a natural point of completion. There is a point where you are done with whatever you can do and a little more time after that for the energy to fully dissipate. If you sit here in this space, the full feeling of completion will wash over you. It feels light, organized, and satisfying.
Part #3: Honor the Sacred Passage of Time
There is always a little overlap. While one cycle is closing the new has already begun. The waxing and waning of a cycle is a natural ceremony. Passages of time are Rites of Passage that are marked by a ceremony. Tune into an opportunity to create a ceremony for yourself.
There ceremony can be as simple as lighting a candle and speaking to the fire what you are releasing in the old cycle, what that cycle has been about, what you learned and completed, along with the gift you received from those lessons. Or something more elaborate like going to the ocean with an offering of music, making a sand mandala, or scheduling a day of retreat for yourself. The ceremony is an important part of the process. Do not leave it for the point of completion. Let it be aligned with the current passage of time as it will assist you in bringing your projects of the old to completion. If you are not comfortable building your ceremony, reach out to me and I will help you create a ceremony that will be unique and perfect for your specific journey.
We are in the portal of change. Use this time wisely to consciously connect and intentionally align your life for what is in your highest good. I am deeply grateful for the time that has been the last 16 years. It has been full of the most amazing, challenging, beautiful, not so beautiful, passionate, lonely, and deeply cathartic experiences that I'm sure I will be learning from and sharing with others for the remainder of this life.
In deep gratitude!
Thank you,
Sequoia Raven Moon
Sacred Adventures, Celestial Gateways, and Luminous Life Journey Ceremony Facilitator Spiritual Life Transformation and Self Mastery Coach