8 Steps to Emerge from STRUGGLE!

How did I get here? I was living a good life. In fact, I was living a fortunate life. I worked for myself as a full time fire performer and teacher of fire dance. I travelled, danced, and was mostly on my own schedule. It was more than what I had dreamed. Something happened! That thing could be defined as another level of growth calling me further. You see, I had become comfortable in the expansive bubble of a professional fire dance performer. Yet, for what was possible for me, I had hit the roof of the house and like Alice began needing to stick arms and legs out of doors and windows. The structure was becoming too small and was blocking my ability to grow.
Alot can be tied up in that structure from careers, jobs, money, relationships, health, social life, spirituality, etc. There may be one particular area that speaks louder. For me, to begin was the relationship. I thought, when I successfully left the severely toxic relationship I would be free to fly into my next level of growth.
Truth: Not exactly! Next came the calling. Likely the calling had been slowly surfacing over time, yet was blocked behind the relationship issue.
It's like the golden clarion calls and after that life flows perfectly with ease happily ever after?
No, no...sadly not!
I disregarded the call. I heard it. I even fantasized over it. It kept coming back, over and over and over again in different ways. Sometimes it was so loud I couldn't focus on what someone was saying to me. I kept shoving it aside, doing my personal healing work, dancing, traveling, performing, being happy, or was I?
Where was I?
The Comfort Zone...Yes, that place! I had arrived into the comfort zone. It krept up on me. I didn't even realize I was there. It felt like this flowing optimism that life was just going to magically unfold. I was right. It did. However, it looked far different than what I was imagining.
Truth: Way down in the deep soil natural processes stirred as I started feeling this subtle agitation. Every time the vision from the calling would surface, I would get irritated. Not knowing how to create it, I thought, "is too big, I don't have the skills, the knowledge, the money, I don't even know what it is I am visioning". It was an incredibly abstract vision with many fairy tale like components to it that seemed unrealistic. It felt uncomfortable and impossible. Not only was it uncomfortable, to build it was going to ask me to consciously choose to walk through the source of my unhappiness, frustration: the core wound to face my greatest fear and the biggest illusion. So, I chalked it up to unimportant distractions and continued forward on the path I was on for it was comforrtable.
Until, I came to a ravine! There was a giant cliff before me triggering fear. I could see the other side, yet there was no trail down, no bridge, no flying carpet, just vast empty space. I turned around and attempted to travel back down the path I had just come from and to my surprise, it was blocked. I felt trapped, stuck, alone. I started screaming for help but all I heard were the echoes of my own voice bouncing off the canyon walls.
What was I going to do? I couldn't travel anywhere. I felt alone and trapped in a what once felt like huge vast expansive inspiring space and had become so small and suffocating. What was behind me had become blocked and before me a huge ravine. There appeared to be no way out.
The way, required exploration.
The calling may come in like thunder with wind and earthquales, however it may more than likely actually be a subtle hum you can easily disregard.
Following are 8 Steps to help you move through the struggle!
Step #1 - Cross the Bridge

You are standing at a ravine. No apparent bridge before you. Path behind you blocked. In other words, you are in an experience in your life and you see no way out or are refusing to acknowledge the way because it triggers fear. I know it feels scary. First, ground in to where you are and identify where you are at in this story. Are you in the comfort zone? Or feeling the agitation? Are you hearing the call like wild thunder? Or have you been brushing it under the door mat outside the outgrown structure?
Once you identify where you are begin exploring. There is a bridge. Use all your sensss, turn over rocks, declutter, clean, make connections, follow curiosities, tug on threads, ask questions, listen deep, feel around. You may not see it, you may fear it, yet you will find the edge of the bridge. Keep feeling around with curiosity until you find it!
Step #2 - Trust the Process

Once you feel it, bump into it, you will realize that between you and the bridge is a gap. It will require faith and courage to pull yourself over the gap onto the bridge. You may not even realize their is a bridge their yet. All you know is you felt something in the empty space. The step may feel risky. You have to take the first step.
Quite simply, the first step is facing the fear and bringing it to the table. It could be pertaining to relationship, career, money, health, social, spiritual, etc. For some it is posting a talking video on line, others is having that conversation you have been avoiding. Others is asking for a raise. Some it's setting the boundary/. It may be saying no, or saying yes. You know it when it tickles the fear trigger. The step is an action.
Once you do, you will find that you are standing on the bridge and when you look bsck, you will see that the gap was not actually that big. As you take in the scene, you begin to wonder, where are you?
"Bridges symbolize transition and renewal, representing the journey from one phase to another. They embody personal growth and the embrace of new beginnings. Additionally, bridges serve as connectors, uniting distant points and fostering a sense of unity and understanding." – Symbolism Guide
Step #3 - The Sacred Stones are Speaking

Once you find yourself on the bridge, pause and tune in. This is another realm. The stones are speaking and without projecting what you think you know and being quick to define what you see, open to learn and pause here. Allow it to surface.
Step #4 - Listen Deep

Once you are open and willing to learn, cut off the idle chatter and create space and room to breathe. Declutter, clean, journal, get a massage, do nothing. Whatever works for you to come into quiet space.
If you struggle with coming into clarity or hearing the messages, I offer the Journey of Renewal to help you come into a space of inner peace: https://sequoiaravenmoon.teachable.com/p/journey-of-renewal
Step #5 - Respect Organic Intelligence

Go into nature and sit by a stream. Take a stroll amongst trees. Lay down on the grass in the sun. Listen to the wind chimes move by the wind or the rain fall. Look at the patterns in the branches. Nature's patterns reveal codes that unlock the truth that is surfacing within you. The more you spend time with these natural organic elements you will begin to come into clarity.
For a short meditation experience, check out: https://youtu.be/nbrtgmDK1fc?si=3C-0jki9CC8I4_KD
Step #6 - Embrace Your Authentic

At this point, it is imperative to step out. Something has sparked your curiosity. Perhaps you thought of something, heard a song, saw something that sparked interest, whatever it is. Crack open the door, open the window even just a little bit. It doesn't take much. You already took the first step to get on the bridge. This action is nothing more than being your authentic self. For me, it was starting a PodCast where I could be the most authentic version of myself and create authentic connections.
Check out:
Step #7 - Shine Like the Sun

Once you crack open the door, the light finds a way to pull you out to shine bright. It may not be all flowers, roses, and smooth operating in your comfort zone. Actually, it's more like continuing a trek up Mt Everest. Maybe you wonder, "Sequoia, why would I want to go on this jounrey?" ANSWER: It's not all your choice. It's your purpose, mission, and reason for being and.... you were called. So, it is before you to call forward your true light and shine like the sun. For some of us, regardless of how horrible or amazing our life has been, we were simply called forward for a divine reason.
Step #8 - Emerge

What is your mission here on the New Earth?
It is time to now do what you must do to rise up and be who you came here to be. You help no one by continuing to hide your light. In fact, when you hide, you throw everything off balance! So, what is your purpose? What mission is before you?
Not sure?
I can help you identify your mission in four weeks. Sign up for Mission Possible and work with me to become clear about your mission.
The TIME is NOW to be who you are! A complete whole divine being here with a divine mission!
Come out of the cave and begin to shine like the sun! Do not waste another moment hiding behind your fears or remaining stuck and trapped. There is a way. The way is beyond ordinary eyes. Broaden your perspective and begin to imagine, what is possible. Stop dreaming within the container of the old structure. Begin to summon the dream that exists beyond what you believe is possible. It asks you to stretch beyond your comfort zone to discover something you never knew existed. It will blow your mind and become the seed of your best life. It is possible and I know....because I have lived it! I built the bridge and I am showing you the way.
With Love and Benevolent Light,
Sequoia Raven Moon