For the last 20 years I have been traveling, performing thousands of fire dance shows, teaching flow arts, dance, and yoga, as well as running Sacred Fire Dance Company. Fire dancing has led me further than I ever imagined it would. It has been the life of my dreams. There was a day when I found myself feeling a question emerge, what next? I felt like I had over shot my goal by so far that I was looking back on it from way out in the galaxy surprised that I had come so far by just being fully immersed in the flow. But on this day, I landed on a plateau. I felt that at that phase of my life, I was as far up and out as I could go. I sat. Still. Feeling into a tsunami of emotions blowing me over. Fear of what my life without relying on a fire dance career would look like. There was grief, sadness, and then more fear. I continued to sit. Observing in stillness. Deeply listening. For over a year, I sat, fought with myself, tried to ignore the message. Yet, I kept coming back to that still point, and soon enough, I listened. I heard a voice echo forward from way back from the past. I heard the words “you would make a great coach". I then snapped into that moment in the past, when my high school basketball coach told me that. I had forgotten about that moment. At that time way back when, I thought, "I don't want to be a basketball coach" and dismissed the whole idea and life went on. I went on searching for my dream life and what that looked like. At that time, I don't even think life coaching was an official thing let alone viable career choice and for that matter, neither was Professional Women's Basketball. Never the less, some paths are direct and some require meandering routes. I took the meandering route and for the years leading up to 2020, I felt the calling of change welling up deep within. I was so ingrained in my life and identity of successful world class fire performer and entrepreneur, that I continued to blaze forward. 2020 caught my attention when there were no shows. I found myself sitting on my meditation cushion like I do every day, except, everything had fallen away now. I was sitting in my authentic self, vulnerable, stripped down, unsure. Sitting with me was the disintegration of the old and the big fearful unknown staring me down and summoning me onto a new path. Though I fought the surrender for months as I worked through the grief, sadness, and fear, I eventually consciously stepped onto the new path and surrendered to the natural flow. This is when I signed up for the Life Purpose Institute and realized, I have been coaching for twenty years. It is so second nature, I don't even realize I am doing it. Now I see what my basketball coach was talking about, I AM a great coach and I am owning that. Are you ready to step out of the cycle of repetition and up-level your life? I am a perspective shifter and master tracker who will help you retrieve the destiny you came here to live. With the gift of the Sacred Fire, I will remind you of your divine light and help you activate that spark of passionate inspiration that propels all that is beautiful forward into creation. If you know there is a shift you need to make and are feeling unsupported or afraid, if you are (or think you may be) a star seed, a lightworker, a healer, artist, dancer, musician, empath, looking to step into that next level of your ascension and ready to be the change the world needs, then I am your guide. As I am embarking on this new path, I am simply opening myself up to see how I may be of service.
Welcome to the journey.
How may I be of service?
Some of the issues that I support are finding optimal health, discovering your life purpose, cultivate your dream relationship/career, energetic and timeline clearing, chord cutting, soul and destiny retrievals, reframing old stories, rewriting new stories, changing habits, patterns, and limiting beliefs.
As a Chakana and Hampi (healing) Mesa carrier, some of the tools I work with are coaching, intuitive consultant, oracle readings, sacred ceremonies, fire and light code activations, sound and art therapy, creative movement therapy, yoga, meditation, breathwork, visualization, Reiki, dream work, shamanic journeying, nature immersions, and crystal gridding.