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Writer's pictureSequoia Raven Moon

Today’s Energetic Signature

This message is for those who are feeling the intensity of emotion and energy + experiencing what may feel like an ego death rebirth process + reclaiming your power by converting your paradigm from if this/then or I am not good enough, worthy, or lack, desperation, scarcity, and survival to I AM!

Please share with those that may need to read this!

First: So below, as within


Two words……


It is SAFE to Let GO!

It is safe to move!

You are safe!

In this time, grieve and let go of who you have been and who you think you are, as well all of the parts of yourself that are not your authentic self, that is - the parts that out of not valuing self have absorbed other peoples’s successes, beauty, health, wealth, and confidence.

Do not go to sleep.  The depression is a numbing.  It is stored in the body and when you knock on the door of a body denied, you first meet resistance and avoidance in addition to all of the first layers of old dead skin that never got shed.  It takes consistency and commitment to detox remove those layers.  It can be gentle over time.  Simple steps to begin are good enough.  Take them.  Feet planted on the earth.  One foot forward is all you need.

A body addicted to the way it feels becomes the mechanism through which the incessant messages, beliefs, energy, habits, emotions, feelings all run on autopilot.  It has become the subconscious.  Like a deep abyss it stores the energetic blueprint of each moment of life within it’s folds, deep valleys, caves, and veinous passageways.  Occasionally a stone, or shard of glass absorbed from years before makes it way through the skin brain and with it a knowing, a remembering of the moment you stepped on that broken glass 15- 20+ years before.  You had no idea the glass, the stone, the memory, the energy were still moving around within.

Therefore, when first attempting to go in and make changes to patterns, behaviors, thoughts, mood, frequency, the body sends the habitual messages stored within forth.  Recognize this is an opportunity to digest, detox and release them or reabsorb and recirculate them embedding them deeper into the cellular matrix to be dealt with some other time.  If depression is surfacing, then go into it.  Pull it up to the table and have a conversation with it.  It has a message.  Re-member: Acceptance is NOT equal complacency.

Second: As above, so without

Moon on Mars

Intense emotional energy brings up issues and inflames them, blows them up, makes them to be a bigger issue than they need to be.  It is inflamed, intense, illusory energy that creates sense of urgency as though have to make changes to make something happen to feel better.  It is a smoke screen.  Clear the air!  Detox! Declutter your energy!

When feelings of being uncomfortable with where you are arise, potentially triggering and inflaming issues that are not beneficial to healing and growth, look deeper within to rise above and see the illusion of what appears to be real and present arising attempting to draw you away from a core truth.  Stay the course, that is if you are on your divinely aligned path.  If you are not, then there is another way through.  Perhaps this is a divine redirection.

Consider, I AM…..

  1. Learning to take care of and be gentle with self, not needing something else.

  2. Learning to be Self reliant.

  3. Learning to believe in and trust self.

  4. Learning how to be sustainable. That is, learning to hold the frequency and sustain to persevere.

  5. Learning to get past the idea of needing to create external shifts in order to do/feel something or get somewhere.

  6. Learning to be in acceptance.

  7. Learning to recognize if this…..then scenarios as tricky mechanisms to give power away.

  8. Learning to shift from external nexus of control and survival, desperation, lack into internal nexus of control and knowing inherent self worth.

There is no thing outside of self that can “make” you feel good/different/better.  Well, there is, yet there is a time and place for that and if self has been relying on the external to feel, then it may be time to shift inward to the present and  learn how to be self reliant.

Now, there is a choice.  By learning to feel good within and then moving from there, self is never at the whims of the wind.  Self can be like the tree enjoying a dance in the wind without being blown all over.  If self wants to blow over, then it still can. Be like a tree or be like tumbleweed.  The choice is yours.  Just know that tumbleweed has no roots.

Try this on:

“I know how to feel good in myself and do not need external aspects to make me feel different.  Perhaps, I am where I am for now and I AM OK.  Just maybe, I have what it takes and can do this after all.  I am enough. I re-member. I AM!”

The moon reflects the light of the sun. The ego is a dimly lit reflection of the soul spirit.  Let it go through it’s death.  Then…..Remember the spark of source within you and from there breathe in new life.

Look for safe small moments to practice letting go in safe simple ways.  Then acknowledge that you have done so and how it feels afterwards.  This builds up momentum and confidence to the bigger moments of release.


I let let go of avoiding exercise for one morning and I feel better having done so!

I let go of the habitual food for one meal to try something new and I feel better for having done so.

I let go of forcing an outcome of change and listened to the call of inspiration for one evening and feel better for having done so.

I let go of the urge to snack between meals and feel better for having done so.

I let go of the need to shop and buy something instead I practiced gratitude for what I have and feel better for having done so.

I let go of eating quick to go meals and instead made a simple meal at home and feel better for having done so.

I let go of being in fear, lack, desperation, and survival and took action to secure basic needs and feel better for having done so.

Today, these are ways I  let go and I feel better. Today, I recognize all the ways I practiced letting go.

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